Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009

Boys before Flowers

actually I just wanted to show this song to you because I like it very much.
SID's music is so jazzy, I like Jazz music!

Yesterday I finally started watching Boys before Flowers! thahaha
It's really interesting! I like Ji Hoo, he's so kind but he's not really showing it!
I'm gonna watch the third episode today!

and after I finished BBF, I will watch hana yori dango because I want to compare the two of them!

and I still wonder... why is it called hana yori DANGO?
dango is written with the kanji for man and boy: 男子
which would normally be spoken as DANSHI
but the kanji for child 子 alone is spoken as KO
so I think they turned some old saying into a new meaning, referring to boys, meaning 男子.

Dienstag, 26. Mai 2009

current state of things

it's been a long time since my last entry!
Right now, I should prepare for school but hey, life's long xD
the last tests are over so I thought I can relax a bit but... NAH no possibility because the final tests will be right after the holidays.
I'll have to learn a lot... but I'll relax the last week of holidays from thursday to sunday because I'll stay in munich!<3

My birthday will be soon... but somehow I don't want it to be.. so much stress xD
what do you think? Should I throw a party?

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009




today my grampa died.
he died sleeping.
rest in peace, grampa.

Mittwoch, 29. April 2009



from 2nd May to 7th May, I'll be off to london! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
Some days ago, I changed 103 euro to 90 pounds!
on the 2nd May, I'm going to get up at 3 o'clock! soo early~~ o(TωT )
the trip will be 20 hours long!! ε=(。・д・。)

Samstag, 18. April 2009


BEST FICTIONアルブムはすごいですね~!




本命は初写真! soo cute 音譜



Dienstag, 14. April 2009

Japanese Drama - LIFE

lately I've been watching the japanese Drama LIFE.
It took a lot of time to find a new good drama that's worth watching.
I think LIFE is a bit... awkward, yet interesting.
currently watching episode 7

If you're interested, you can watch it here
Or if you have a livejournal account, you can download the episodes at the JDramas group for a better quality.

Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

Forget your worries

...and look forward to the future
Live for today, for every single breath.
forget your worries and enjoy everything around you.
Be grateful for the positive things in your life, even the tiniest.
Just forget your worries and have fun.
Live your live the way YOU want.
